Governance and Sustainability  Services

We help companies and investors build and promote their capabilities for financial advantage and positive impact.

Third Economy is a governance and sustainability consulting firm, operating across North America, Latin America and Europe. We provide high-quality data, analytics and insights to empower companies and institutional investors to build long-term, sustainable growth, and to make informed investment decisions. We analyze, strategize, and execute sustainability strategies in order to increase financial value, enhance capabilities, and build a more sustainable economy.

Our Clients

How we work with you


Satisfy investors, improve ESG ratings, avoid activism and build long-term financial value.

Institutional Investors

Raise assets, enhance investment decision-making, and leverage proxy voting and engagement to satisfy your clients and beneficiaries.

Financial Advisors

Engage new and existing clients by aligning their portfolios with what they care about through our materiality assessment.

What Is the VIA3 Compass?

The VIA3 compass defines what it means to be sustainable. The VIA3 framework assesses five criteria to improve ESG ratings for asset managers – Values, Impact, Analysis, Alignment and Activism.


Regulatory Update

Navigating California's New Climate Legislation

California Legislature recently passed two new environmental bills, both of which are expected to have a significant impact on California, U.S., and global business. Many of the world’s largest public and private companies will soon be required to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related risks. Read on to find out what this means for your organization.

3ECON Insights

CEO Statement: Separating Climate Policy from Climate Politics

CEO Chad Spitler recently commented on the recent US presidential debate and its lack of tangible climate policy for Reuters’ Sustainable Switch newsletter. The result? A market that is frozen into inaction in an uncertain regulatory environment. Read on for more of our analysis.

Thought Leadership

Activism Defense: Expert Advice on How to Build Trust with your Shareholders

The shareholder activism landscape has evolved and more companies are being targeted than ever before. So how do you leverage your company’s shareholder engagement efforts to avoid an expensive and reputation damaging proxy contest? Read on for three areas of opportunity for companies to keep in mind, from activism and investor experts across the spectrum.